If You Eat Celery Every Day, This Can Happen to Your Body


Celery is often considered the epitome of dietary foods, tasteless and stringy, but so low in calories that you’re guaranteed to lose weight. And really, celery is really good for weight loss. But it offers much more. Celery is so good for you that after reading this article you want to eat it and spread it on your skin!  You may think that celery contains so much water and fiber that it may not contain much, but celery is actually an excellent source of several important vitamins and minerals. For starters, it’s particularly rich in vitamin K and molybdenum.

Folic acid, potassium, manganese and pantothenic acid are present in smaller but still significant amounts. When you eat celery, you also get vitamins A, B2, B6 and C, copper, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.  Are you ready to find out what all this goodness can do for you? Read on and be surprised. Some of these benefits, especially n ° 6 and n ° 7, can change the way you think about caring for your body.


1. Weight Loss

It is sometimes suspected that celery is so low in calories that it is actually a food with negative calories, which means that more calories are needed for digestion than celery itself. Wouldn’t it be nice? The evidence is mixed, but celery is extremely low in calories and you don’t have to bother counting it in your daily calorie count.

Celery also has a good amount of fiber and water, which can help you feel full and calm when you satisfy the craving for junk food. If you are on a diet, try eating some celery before each meal to reduce portion size without feeling disadvantaged.


2. Aids Digestion

The fiber in the celery also supports a healthy digestive system, which is crucial as our body converts food into energy through digestion. Without enough fiber, digestion slows down and there is a risk of unpleasant conditions such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.

Celery contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, none of which is digested directly by the body. The soluble type forms a gel-like substance that gives the stool more volume and helps it pass easily. The insoluble type feeds the good bacteria in your gut that are necessary to properly digest the rest of your food. Not only does celery offer these two useful types of fiber, it also contains certain phytonutrients that help the body absorb available nutrients.


3. Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. If you are trying to lower your (bad) LDL cholesterol, you should eat a lot of celery. Celery contains a compound called 3-n-butylphthaline (3nb), which research has shown can improve this critical health measure.

According to scientists from the University of Chicago, eating 4 stems a day can lower your LDL by about 7%. That could be enough to bring your number to a healthy place.


4. Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a defense mechanism that occurs at the site of an injury. However, chronic inflammation is a misfire of the immune system that causes more problems than it solves. Eating foods rich in antioxidants can significantly reduce chronic inflammation.

Celery contains more than 12 different types of antioxidants that are known to relieve inflammation and pain, especially in people with any form of arthritis. Even if you don’t have arthritis, the antioxidants in celery can minimize the pain associated with exercise, keep your skin firm and youthful, and improve the function of all your organs.


5. Replenished Electrolytes

After the workout, skip the sports drink and eat some celery. Sports drinks are said to replenish electrolytes, but the amount of sugar they contain can negate the benefits of your workout. Celery not only has plenty of water to prevent dehydration, but also a good balance between potassium and sodium.

These two nutrients work together to regulate the body’s water consumption. This has special benefits for your kidneys. If you want to add celery to your post-workout routine but don’t feel like eating it, squeeze it into a delicious smoothie.


6. Prevention or Treatment of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones hurt like Dickens, and if you’ve ever had them, you’ll probably do almost everything to avoid repeating the experience. Celery is excellent for the prevention and treatment of stones. On the one hand, it contains a lot of water. If you stay well hydrated, your body can more easily remove excess calcium, which is the main component of most stones.

When a stone forms, additional water is needed to pass it. Celery juice is also believed to have additional benefits that remove toxins associated with stone formation. In addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, eating more celery can help you get rid of this stone faster.


7. Less Acne

Acne is an embarrassing and sometimes painful condition. Although it mainly resolves after puberty, acne is not uncommon in adults. And unfortunately, acne drug manufacturers are charging a high price for the help, as these are issues with patient confidence. Enter the celery!

Drinking celery juice has been found to combat oily skin that can cause pimples. Celery also contains vitamin C, which is a particularly good nutrient for the skin. It increases the production of collagen, the part of the skin that keeps it soft and smooth. But you don’t even have to eat celery to get its skin benefits. If you boil some chopped celery in water and then let it cool, this is an excellent cleansing rinse for the face.


8. Better Brain Power

Celery contains a type of flavonoid antioxidant called luteolin, which is believed to reduce inflammation in the brain. Studies show that luteolin can reduce the rate of age-related memory loss in mice. No human trials have been conducted to verify the results, but any antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food is valuable for supporting brain health and everyday mental performance.

Other tasty sources of luteolin are olive oil, mint, carrot, oregano, parsley, rosemary and chamomile tea.



Celery is an excellent addition to your daily diet as it is rich in water and fiber, which supports your body’s cardiovascular and digestive health and is easier to achieve weight loss (if that’s your goal). . If you add lighter skin, stronger mental acuity, and disease prevention, the benefits of eating celery for such a tasteless meal become quite impressive.

Some people don’t like the texture of celery, but it does get a lot softer when cooked, and we bet you eat a lot more than you think for that reason. Celery can also be pressed or mixed into a smoothie. If you hate (and have time) these ropes, you can remove them before eating them. The result is that it doesn’t matter how you get your daily celery, just that you do it.