This is What Will Happen When You Eat Avocados Every Days

You’ve probably heard of avocado as a superfood and how good it is for your health. This is true, avocados are very healthy. The next time you order this burrito, be sure to add some extra guacamole. Here are seven reasons why you should consider eating this fruit every day.


1. Reduced Risk of Heart Diseases

In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Heart disease is often associated with poor nutrition and poor lifestyle. It is therefore important to make the right choice.

Avocados contain a low proportion of saturated fatty acids and a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which has a positive effect on our cardiovascular system. Unsaturated fat in your diet can also help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and maintain HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Eating avocado can also improve your insulin sensitivity. In addition to good fats, avocados also contain a variety of nutrients, including antioxidants. This fruit can prevent inflammation and oxidative stress in blood vessels and at the same time improve blood circulation.


2. Weight Loss Helper

Would you ever think that eating fat will help you lose fat? Recent studies show that avocados help maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI). Avocado with meals helps to prolong satiety and reduce the craving for overeating. Each fruit contains approximately 14 g of fiber, which reduces the waist.


3. Reduced Risk of Cancer

Avocados give our body numerous phytochemicals that can help prevent cancer. The fruit contains elements that are known to lower the rate of oral cancer. Some research shows that avocados may reduce your risk of breast and prostate cancer. Although some research on the preventive properties of fruit cancer is available, future research is needed to achieve more conclusive results.


4. Skin and Eyes Protection

Avocados contain some nutrients (carotenoids and lutein) that can help curb age-related deterioration of the eyes and prevent vision problems. In addition, the same nutrients protect our skin from UV damage and make it soft and healthy.


5. Blood Pressure Regulator

Since avocados are an excellent source of potassium (even better than bananas), they can help reduce high blood pressure.

Potassium is important in the human body, together with sodium it regulates the balance of water and acid in the blood and tissue. Therefore, for most people with high blood pressure, increasing potassium intake is a much more reliable way to lower blood pressure than reducing sodium intake. Potassium is also important for normal growth and muscle building.


6. Avocado Is Superfood

Avocados are extremely nutritious. This particular fruit is a highly concentrated food, more like a walnut than a fruit. Although avocados are high in calories, with the exception of B12, they are very rich in most B vitamins and particularly good in folic acid. They also have some vitamin C, good amounts of vitamin A and vitamin E.

As you already know, avocados are high in potassium. They also have a host of other minerals like magnesium, iron and manganese. For vegetarians who don’t eat much fat, avocados can be a good source of essential oils.


7. Avocados Are Delicious And Very Versatile

Avocados are not only so healthy and nutritious, but also delicious and go well with various foods. They are often used in salads, sauces such as guacamole, in sandwiches, seafood fillings, as a spread on morning toast or simply on their own.

When choosing an avocado, aim for a heavy fruit with intact skin. The fruit should give way to a slight pressure without bulges. If it is dented, it is too ripe. Leave the green avocados on the kitchen counter for a few days and they are ready to eat!

Ripe avocados are kept in the refrigerator for four to five days. Green avocados never ripen if you put them in the fridge. The meat is the part that is eaten, the semen and skin must be thrown away. After slicing, you can sprinkle the meat with lime or lemon juice so it doesn’t get darker. Have fun!